Boutique Diagnostics

Digital Health Market Access Consulting Firm

Digital Health Solutions

What’s hot in (digital) diagnostics? – News in bullets, May-2019

What’s hot in (digital) diagnostics?  – News in bullets, May-2019

Exciting news flash from the world of (digital) diagnostics from market access, policy, product launches, start-ups and industry trends perspectives.

What’s hot in (digital) diagnostics? – News in bullets, April - 2019

What’s hot in (digital) diagnostics?  – News in bullets, April - 2019

We don’t perform comprehensive news monitoring but we aim to cover (digital) diagnostics topics relevant to us from various perspectives: (1) market access /health policy; (2) exciting product launches; (3) hot start-ups; (4) industry trends, major events.

Did we miss anything major that would fit in the buckets above? Please comment and enjoy the read!

Where does diagnostic value come from and how can we articulate them?

Where does diagnostic value come from and how can we articulate them?

The value of a diagnostic solutions is contextual and based on the insights they generate to support various decisions in the care continuum. What are the comprehensive value drivers and how we could articulate them to Payers, Providers and Patients?

Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) Value Framework is specifically designed for diagnostic tests. Check out this short summary on guiding principles and key value drivers.

12 apps that help you run a lean business

12 apps that help you run a lean business

Once you start your own company you are busy with hiring the team, building up the client base and most importantly delivering projects. There is hardly any time left for back-office and operational activities. Unfortunately, those tasks cannot be fully eliminated, but they can be automated and integrated to a high degree.

Here at CENTIVIS, we use a handful of applications, services that make our life easier and let us focus on supporting our clients.

What are these free or reasonably priced apps that help us run a lean, international consulting business?

Payer Trends in Diagnostics & Digital Health – What’s new?

Payer Trends in Diagnostics & Digital Health – What’s new?

Last year we released a blog post on 5 recent Payer trends in Diagnostics. What are the latest developments? Check out this short summary:

  1. Growing appetite for diagnostics health technology assessment in Europe

  2. Joint (regulator-payer) evidence reviews and scientific advice to MedTech manufacturers gain further momentum in the US

  3. Payers start to embrace Digital Health

3+1 Policy Initiatives That Will Influence Diagnostics (IVD) Access

3+1 Policy Initiatives That Will Influence Diagnostics (IVD) Access

The diagnostics industry is facing increasing policy attention. Policymakers push for broader access, better affordability and safer than ever solutions. Institutions, like the European Union (EU) and World Health Organization (WHO), are involved in introducing new regulations.

Find out what are the latest policy initiatives and how will they impact access for IVD solutions.

Five Diagnostics (IVD) Access Challenges & Potential Actions

Five Diagnostics (IVD) Access Challenges & Potential Actions

Five Diagnostics (IVD) Access Challenges & Potential Actions:

  1. Diagnostics are complex solutions

  2. Less clinical investment

  3. Cost-based reimbursement

  4. Lack of clear funding processes and guidelines

  5. Limited-use cases in digital diagnostics reimbursement